
Maintenance Operations
Why do we maintain our buoy systems? For continuous metocean data acquisition, buoys are critical platforms to host necessary instruments at sea surface. Our systems...

AWAMS Integration Testing & Deployment Summer 2022
Over the past 6 months TechWorks Marine and the DCU Water Institute have been working together to deliver a final deployment as part of their project goals. In that...

TechWorks Marine have often been contracted to conduct Vessel Mounted (VM) ADCP surveys
TechWorks Marine have often been contracted to conduct Vessel Mounted (VM) ADCP surveys. An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) is a hydroacoustic current meter...

TechWorks Marine kicks off new EPA contract to assess the application of Earth Observation technologies to the detection and prevention of waste crime.
Funded under the EPA Research Programme 2021-2030 and co-funded by TechWorks Marine, this project will assess the applicability of Earth Observation (EO) technologies...

Our CEO, Charlotte O’Kelly, was recently interviewed by the Sunday Business Post on the continuing growth of TechWorks Marine
Techworks Marine employs 14 people directly and outsources much of its equipment production to third parties. It is currently seeking to hire earth observation...