Ports and Harbours
TechWorks Marine can assist in the provision of monitoring equipment and metocean survey services for the development and management of ports and harbours.
Port and harbour developments typically require strict environmental criteria to be satisfied prior to, during and post construction.
TechWorks Marine can offer established ports ongoing monitoring systems that can be used as highly beneficial tools in decision making and managing port operations.
We can assist in the following areas:
- Provision and/or ongoing management of real time water quality and weather monitoring systems (Real time Wave Height and Direction, Wind data, Tide data)
- Metocean Data Acquisition (metocean and environmental, water and sediment sampling)
- Hydrographic Survey (site investigation, dredge, sedimentation and scour monitoring)
- ROV Inspection (vessel and structural assessments, dive and salvage operations)
- Data management and dissemination (quality assurance, maintenance of web-portal)
- Reporting
Recent projects:
- Dublin Port, ABR project: 4- year real-time metocean and water quality data buoy deployment in Dublin Bay, Ireland
- Port of Cork, Provision of Wave Buoy at Roche’s point, including real-time data stream online.
- Fenit Harbour, Ireland: Real-time turbidity monitoring buoys.