Maintenance Operations

Why do we maintain our buoy systems?

For continuous metocean data acquisition, buoys are critical platforms to host necessary instruments at sea surface. Our systems combine real-time data acquisition and transmission via secure marine data platforms to provide tailored client-focussed solutions. Almost every project that involves a buoy requires maintenance operations. These operations are integral for ensuring the equipment at sea performs continuously and reliably over the project lifetime.


What do we do during a maintenance visit?

Cleaning, Repair & Replacement

The marine environment is a hostile one and not friendly to buoys. Metal and electronics corrode, wildlife grows and can obscure instruments, and the buoy can be damaged by storms or even vessel collisions. Prior to maintenance, a comprehensive plan is generated based on the expected condition of the buoy. The field team always begins a maintenance operation by recording the physical condition of the buoy (above and below water). They buoy is then cleaned thoroughly and anything that can be fixed or replaced in the field is attended to.


All hardware and sensors on board TechWorks Marine’s buoys are designed to withstand the challenging marine environment, however there may be times when the instruments on the buoy need to be replaced. Due to environmental conditions, this can be a challenge when working at sea so equipment is only retrieved when weather conditions allow and based on our comprehensive health and safety protocols.


Data collection

Data acquired on our buoys is transmitted in real time over secure satellite or mobile phone networks to CoastEye, our intuitive marine data management, visualisation and decision support system. However, data is also stored in situ onboard. During a typical maintenance visit, the TechWorks field team will download the data from the buoy recorded as a backup.


Mitigating Risk

Uncertainty and risk is inherent to working at sea, so when it comes to conducting any operation at sea, the most important part of the work is in the planning: planning the vessels, planning the transport, planning what equipment to bring, planning around weather and the tides. Highlighting associated risks and mitigating against them is the primary focus of doing regular risk assessments and method statements to ensure operations are completed successfully and safely.

TechWorks Marine field team member conducting maintenance on the JET9000 MetOcean buoy. This platform hosts instruments both above and below the waterline

16th year of the Annual MRIA from WOW!We have all been on this journey, things are moving forward but still have lots to do. No shortage of energy to make it happen in the room today @Marineireland @Exceedence @SEAI_ie @MarineIrlNet @Entirl

🐟 Did you know that our company has 20+ years experience in advanced analytics in Aquaculture? Through a @Researchirel Research, Development, and Innovation Fellowship (IRDIF) Programme with @ucddublin, we will develop HABShield, a powerful AI tool for Harmful Algal Bloom.

We're now on Bluesky - follow us there at for company news and insights!

We're now on Bluesky - follow us there at for company news and insights!

🌋 Our member @TechWorksMarine submitted this incredible post-eruption image of Mt. Etna for the #EXPANDEO2025 image contest!

Learn more➡️

And pre-register for EXPANDEO2025: June 11-12, 2025!⤵️

Our MD @charlotteokelly is attending both days of the @WindEnergyIRL Trade Show at @TheRDS

@TechWorksMarine are international leaders in the provision of robust, reliable, and secure marine data for over 20 years.


Did you catch @TechWorksMarine in the @Independent_ie this week?

Our MD @charlotteokelly was panelist at the 4th Enterprise Ireland Offshore Wind Forum 2024 at the Aviva Stadium.
