Offshore Renewable Energy
Offshore Renewable Energy
An accurate understanding of metocean data is essential to the success of offshore renewable energy (ORE) projects. This information will serve to characterise the available resource for energy yield, the design requirements for survivability of the project and the strategy for maintenance and accessibility.
Metocean data is necessary throughout the life cycle of an ORE project from site characterisation and environmental impact assessment through to decommissioning. There are required monitoring programmes for each key stage (pre-construction, construction, operations and maintenance, decommissioning). TechWorks Marine have a strong background in operational oceanography and can support clients in all stages of the life cycle of the project.
TechWorks Marine have deployed data buoys and seabed frames on ORE sites within Ireland and internationally, measuring currents, wave heights and direction, wave spectra and associated meteorological conditions. We have partnered with Akrocean in France, leading suppliers of floating LiDAR turnkey service for wind resource assessment and metocean measurements, to provide the full range of metocean FLiDAR measurements for ORE developers.
We provide services in the following areas:
Metocean surveys (ADCP, Wave, CTD, Meteorological), including FLiDAR in association with our partners Akrocean
Provision of metocean monitoring equipment (ADCP’s; CTD; Spectral Wave sensors) on data buoys and seabed frames
Metocean studies, including data analysis, provision of validated numerical model data, and Earth Observation
Acoustic surveys (both PAM and CPOD’s)
ROV Inspection (device and structural assessments)
Data management and dissemination, quality assurance, maintenance of web portal
Environmental Impact Statements and Assessments
We are members of Wind Energy Ireland (WEI), Marine Renewables Industry Association (MRIA) and the Marine Ireland Industry Network (MIIN). We are fully HSQE Compliant and have ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 certification, as well as being Achilles UVDB Qualified.